• 1. To start Special Schools for the Mentally Handicapped in order to educate and give an all around development of the Mentally Handicapped and make them Socially accepted citizens.
  • 2. To undertake, establish and administer institutions and Vocational Training Centres for the Mentally and Physically Handicapped and the Deaf and Dumb for the education, rehabilitation and welfare.
  • 3. To create facilities for their education, rehabilitation, financial assistance and employment.
  • 4. To hold and conduct classes, lectures, conferences, Seminars and competitions and gives scholarships, free ships, diplomas, certificates and awards.
  • 5. To hold and conduct seminars, meetings, and provide accommodations and facilities for all those who are desirous of holding such seminars, meetings, study sessions, camps, etc.
  • 6. To provide and facilitate medical, social assistance, for all persons especially mentally and physically handicapped and other disabled persons irrespective of religion, race, cast, community or social status.